Saturday, November 29, 2008

Nightmares: Poems to Trouble Your Sleep

This book of poems, Nightmares: Poems to Trouble Your Sleep written by Jack Prelutsky and illustrated by Anold Lobel is filled from cover to cover with poems that are rather scary and creepy for children. The has a collection of poems about every time of dark creature, ranging from witch to werewolf.

I was shocked to find out how descriptive the poems were, especially the ghoul. The picture of the ghoul was that of a demonic looking creature perched on top of some playground equipment at a school. One of the stanzas says, "He slices their stomachs and bites their hearts and tears their flesh to shreds, he swallows their toes like toasted tarts and gobbles down their heads."

This book would be aimed at third through fifth graders, but may be too scary for younger children. I would not necessarily include this book in a classroom during Halloween as it may be challenged by some parents.

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