Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sector 7

Sector 7 by David Wiesner is a book without words. Through pictures, Wiesner depicts the story of a boy who goes to the Empire State Building with his class and befriends a cloud. The cloud then takes him away into the sky where a cloud-creating station is called Sector 7. At Sector 7, the clouds are created using blueprints. The boy, who loves drawing, starts making cloud designs that look like fish and other sea creatures. The workers at Sector 7 frown at this and his cloud friend takes him back to the city. Once he returns and get on his back to back to school, all the clouds return to the sky in shapes of different fish.

This book was wonderfully illustrated, and I believe that words in this book would make it lose part of its ability to tell a story. The book shows different types of clouds and promotes art in many ways. I would recommend this book to be in every classroom library. I am not sure how it would be worked into any curriculum, but it is nonetheless enjoyable.

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