Saturday, November 29, 2008

Strudwick: A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing

The last book written by Robert Kraus that I read was Strudwick: A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing. Like the other Robert Kraus books, this story had an animal theme, with all the characters being either a sheep or wolf.

I found this book to be a little confusing with awkward images and illustrations, yet still a good story showing readers how to trust others not to talk to strangers.

This book also had some larger words that may be difficult for younger readers, but would help encourage larger vocabulary. Some of the words in the book included: bleated, nearsighted, mutton, hightailed, and crooned.

This book may be better for second or third graders, and would be great coupled with the Three Little Pigs, as it portrays wolves as scary and evil animals.

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