Sunday, November 30, 2008

Science Discoveries: Galileo and the Universe

Steve Parker's biography of Galileo in the book Science Discoveries: Galileo and the Universe was a lot like a child's textbook. This book had tons of information about Galileo ranging from mathematics to his study of the planets. The book had lots of drawings, figures, pictures as well.

I did find this book to have perhaps too much information on each page. The text was a bit small for a child to read well, and the reader may also lose interest in the book, as I did about half-way through.

On a positive side, I would suggest this book if a child was looking up some quick information on Galileo. The book is well divided into different discoveries by this famous professor. If you are interested in a getting a quick glimpse at his inventions, you could do so easily with this book. I do not recommend this for a child to read directly from cover to cover.

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