Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Place Called Freedom

A Place Called Freedom by Scott Russell Sanders is a story about a small family of slaves that are freed and move to Indiana. The story is written from the point of view of the son, James Starman.

The family walks all Tennessee to Indiana and start a farm and life of their own. James' father, Joshua, continues to make trips back to Tennessee to bring others up to live in their newly started town.

After a train comes through the city, all the townsfolk decide to name their town Freedom. James learns to farm from his dad and read from his mother.

This book is simple and easy way for young readers to understand how slaves had to move to the northern states to become free and what they did to survive. I found this book to deviate a bit from what the lives of Starman's probably would have been like, but with it's colorful illustrations, a second or third grader would love this book.

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